Thursday 6 December 2012

Switching display between formula in cells to results of the formula

Don't panic if you accidentally hit your keyboard and find that all the cells in Excel are displaying its formula instead of their results.

All you need to do is to press Ctrl + `    Note: ` <- this symbol refers to the key on the left side of 1.

Have fun!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Powerball lucky numbers generator

Hi, I have added a lucky numbers generator for Powerball using excel.

I have uploaded the file to skydrive and you can access it and try out using this link:!114

A screen shot looks like this:
Powerball lucky number generator
Good luck!

Singapore Toto lucky number generator

For TOTO fans in Singapore, here is a spreadsheet to help to generate lucky numbers!
Gambling is bad, this is just for fun :)

Coding for TOTO is much harder than 4D. This is because the lucky numbers should not repeat. However, I have found a way to code that. Enjoy!

I have uploaded the excel file and you can try out 'live' using this link:!114

Sample looks like this:
Singapore Toto Lucky number generator

Good luck!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Singapore 4D lucky number generator

For 4D fans in Singapore, here is a spreadsheet to help to generate lucky numbers!
Gambling is bad, this is just for fun :)

All you have to do is use
=RANDBETWEEN(1,9999) in all the winning numbers cells
and then format the cells to custom -> type = 0000

I have uploaded the excel file and you can try out 'live' using this link:!109

Sample looks like this:

Singapore 4D lucky number generator

Good luck!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Excel random number generator

Creating a random number generator is easy:)
All you need to know are the functions RAND( ) and RANDBETWEEN ( )
Let me show you an example on how to create a lucky number generator using the concept of random number generator in Excel.

RAND ( ) gives you a number from 0 to 1
RANDBETWEEN ( ) gives you a number between the range you want. In this case from 1 to 9999.

excel random number generator

Monday 7 May 2012

Excel VBA Macro hang due to endless loop

To address Excel VBA Macro hang due to endless loop, all you have to do is to press CTRL + Break


Insert Euro, Pound, and other symbols in Excel

If you want to insert any special symbol in Excel, all you have to do is to click the insert tab -> symbol -> the symbol you want -> insert

Insert Euro Symbol in Excel


Other ways include:

Alt+0128 using numeric keypad (the one at the right)
Select a cell and type = CHAR(128) in the formula bar

Fancy symbol like € © £ ¥ ® ™ ± ≠ ≤ ≥ ÷ × ∞ µ α √ ? you can just do the same!